How to Cook Tasty Courgettes parmigiana

Courgettes parmigiana. Parmigiana is a classic northern Italian dish usually made with aubergine. This version substitutes the aubergine for courgette and mozzarella or ricotta for a fresher taste. PARMIGIANA DE COURGETTES - une variante exceptionnelle de la parmigiana d'aubergines traditionnelle; un plat d'été, simple et savoureux!

Courgettes parmigiana Download Courgette parmigiana stock photos at the best stock photography agency with millions of premium high quality, royalty-free stock photos, images and pictures at reasonable prices. Un beau gratin qui met en valeur les courgettes tout en gardant l'âme des couches de la parmigiana et les saveurs familières italiennes. Un plat complet qui ravira les papilles de toute la famille. You can have Courgettes parmigiana using 4 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Courgettes parmigiana

  1. You need 2 of courgettes.
  2. Prepare 1 packet of dried mozzarella.
  3. It's of salt.
  4. You need of Olives pate OR pesto (I used olive pate here because I didn't have enough basil to make pesto).

Répartir les courgettes sur la plaque. Aubergine parmigiana with crispy breadcrumbs. "Parmigiana is beautiful Italian soul food. Normally, it's a labour of love that would take a whole afternoon to make, but I've cut a few corners here and. La parmigiana est un plat de courgettes (ou d'aubergines) au four.

Courgettes parmigiana instructions

  1. Cut the courgettes in half (it makes it easier to cut length wise). Then cut the courgette lengthwise in thick-ish slices. Grill them under the grill or in a griddle pan. Sprinkle with salt to help removing the water from the courgette..
  2. Pre-heat the oven on 160. Lay them down in an oven baked tray sprinkled with oil at the bottom. Layer the olives pate or pesto and the mozzarella and then courgettes again. Finish with mozzarella on top. Cook in the oven for 15/20min and serve hot. It's also good for freezing..

La recette est typique de la cuisine italienne des Pouilles. Même si parmigiana fait référence à Parme. Aubergines et courgettes à la parmigiana. Une recette de plat maison par nino. Laver et sécher les aubergines et les courgettes, les couper en tranches puis faire cuire sur un gril chaud.

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